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This study contributes to current self-efficacy research in two ways. First, it responds to the need for more context- and competency-specific self-efficacy research by expanding the research field to the context of role-play simulations and focusing on the outcome of self-efficacy in negotiating. Second, aiming to investigate sources of self-efficacy and their interplay, the study addresses the need for more in-depth qualitative research by conducting a single holistic case study with a longitudinal design. Moreover, the study focuses on outcomes of an increase or decrease in self-efficacy over time. Data were collected during a four-day European Union simulation. Three data sources – diaries, interviews, and semi-structured observations and field notes – contributed to data convergence, ensuring that more than a single source of evidence supported findings. Four students were selected using maximum variation sampling. The final sample of 27 meaningful events – about the development of self-efficacy in negotiating – were selected by within-case sampling based on a set of inclusion criteria. Data were analyzed by means of content analysis. Three groups of sources of self-efficacy could be defined: personal sources, social sources, and contextual sources, which encompassed and enriched the four previously hypothesized sources of self-efficacy. With regard to the interplay of sources, five main pathways could be defined. Personal sources were present in all pathways. The contribution of social sources to an increase in self-efficacy was more obvious than its role in a decrease in self-efficacy. The contribution of the contextual source to the development of self-efficacy in negotiating was generally less prominent.  相似文献   
The world religions paradigm (WRP), often regarded as hegemonic in research and education in religious studies, has long been criticized for being modeled on predominantly Protestant, Christian, and Western ideas about religion, and thus running the risk of reductionism and of a failure to recognize expressions of religion that do not fit this framework. Despite this, it is difficult to get rid of the prevailing WRP, especially in education. In addition, nonconfessional, nonreligious, secular education in religion may be biased by norms and values that assume that religion as such is outdated and irrational. The seemingly neutral, nonreligious, or agnostic position that is present in religious studies at the higher education level can then be seen as aligned with an institutional, not necessarily personal, secular bias that rules out religion from the very outset. Consequently, higher level education about religion runs the risk of presenting religion in terms of flawed stereotypes. In this article, Daniel Enstedt addresses these two interrelated and subject-specific problems by examining them through the lens of Gert J. J. Biesta's educational philosophy, and in particular in relation to his discussion about the three domains of education: qualification, socialization, and subjectification.  相似文献   
教育是国家高质量发展的基石,国家是教育事业的推行者。国家对武术教育发展具有最宏观、 最基本的调控,社会力量群策群力的柔性参与,能与之达到刚柔相济、琴瑟共鸣之效果。民国时期南京国民政府在推行武术教育工作中,契合了当时的政治、教育、文化等因素,同时也获得了政治、教育、文化的时代动因。在特定的时代、文化、权力、环境中,南京国民政府、社会精英、社会组织三者相辅相成形成联动机制,在推行武术教育中发挥着协同作用。给予新时代推行武术教育的启示:推行武术教育应契合政治、教育、文化等时代动因;强化学校武术与民间武术的联动;构建政府主导、社会力量参与的新局面。 以期形成全社会共同参与的武术教育治理新格局。  相似文献   
分析大运河生态文化与美丽中国建设的相互关系,理清古老的大运河文化蕴含的丰富生态文明成果,将大运河生态文化作为推动美丽中国建设的源动力。不仅从上下联动、生态补偿、流域性平衡、可持续发展4个方面提出传承运河生态文化、构建美丽运河建设机制的建议,而且就以运河生态文化引领打造美丽运河三条走廊,提出具体的方法和路径:修复河岸环境,打造运河生态走廊;传承历史文脉,打造运河文化走廊;推进文旅融合,打造运河旅游走廊。不仅从理论上为大运河文化带建设与美丽中国建设寻找逻辑关系,而且从实践上为弘扬运河生态文化,推动美丽中国建设探索路径。  相似文献   
本研究采用文化学、社会学和逻辑学相关研究方法,对国际级非物质文化遗产遂溪醒獅文化进行了梳理和总结。研究认为,遂溪醒獅文化具有增强民族凝聚力、彰显大国文化自信、带动区域经济发展、促进体育强国建设的时代内涵。基于此,研究还深入分析了遂溪醒狮文化的传承路径,认为准确定位、专事专管、与时俱进、科技引领是实现遂溪醒獅文化传承的有效路径。  相似文献   
国立国术体育师范专科学校基于中西方文化冲突下的文化自觉而产生与发展,受政治、教育、文化等因素影响,引进西方自然主义体育,推崇本土国粹武术,注重军事训练,在发展过程中秉承培育师资和沟通中西方体育的办学目的,形成了完整的学校行政组织,以及课程设置、师资聘用、学生管理等制度,并通过访问和比赛提升社会影响力。对当代学校武术教育的启示体现为:学校武术教育应坚守社会责任担当,为社会培养所需的人才;强化武术文化认同,增强民族文化自信,规避对西方体育文化的依附和模仿;推行多元教育形式联动机制,维系武术教化的过程性。  相似文献   
裘韵 《体育科研》2020,(2):45-53
《反兴奋剂运动员权利规则》是由世界反兴奋剂机构下属的运动员委员会制定,执行委员会批准通过的首个明确规定运动员在反兴奋剂活动中权利的文件。作为运动员参与反兴奋剂活动的基础,该文件的制定与修订争议不断,多集中于文件名称、法律地位及其内容中不具有强制执行力的部分。在体育组织的干预下,起草者修改了文件的名称并澄清“这不是一份法律文件”,使该文件的意义与价值存疑。建议在日后的修订中慎重考虑文件名称的匹配性,在厘清该文件与《世界反兴奋剂条例》及国际标准关系的基础上,赋予其法律效力或给予象征性法律规则的地位,完善对受侵犯权利救济的指引,加快建立申诉处理机制。  相似文献   
This article examines the printed representation, and prosecutorial characterisation, of the movements, actions and motivations of early Quakers as vagrant. It argues that the prevalence and power of representing (and subsequently treating) early Quakers as vagrants is an understudied aspect of the social and cultural history of the Society of Friends, particularly in Interregnum England. As evidence, it interrogates a furious pamphlet debate between mid-century religious writers and preachers, who devoted much time and ink to painting Quakers as mendacious vagabonds, and Quaker ‘First Publishers’, who responded at length and in a striking way to these accusations. The article concludes that these images of Quakerism as a form of ‘spiritual vagrancy’ created historically significant echoes in English and Atlantic culture.  相似文献   
张婧 《兰台世界》2020,(4):149-151
鄯善乃西域古国之一,新疆出土的佉卢文书多涉及其国政治、经济、军事、文化和法律等诸多方面的问题,这批文书很好地反映了鄯善王的施政特点:鄯善王通过在全国建立严密的行政管理系统,使用严格细致的法律体系,再加上极力武装的胜兵体制、“专车”专用的交通制度以及事无巨细的统一管理使得鄯善逐渐富裕,成为西域城邦大国之一。  相似文献   
Nostalgia and homesickness were well-known eighteenth-century ailments. Undertaking protracted travels, Grand Tourists were potential sufferers, yet these emotional afflictions are absent from the Tour's lengthy lists of hazards. Querying this and applying history of emotions approaches to the histories of the Tour, masculinity and the family, this article examines how Tourists and tutors navigated nostalgia and homesickness as emotions that sat uneasily with the Tour's wider aims of masculine formation. Such investigations offer a means of unpicking the complex, contradictory demands placed on young gentlemen during their emotional formation. Through this, it contributes to wider reconsiderations of eighteenth-century masculinity.  相似文献   
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